DNA-e1668734600861 Type post Author John G. West Date November 17, 2022 Tagged , Big Media, Big Tech, Casey Luskin, censorship, coercion, COVID-19, debate, Discovery Institute, Emily Reeves, evolution, Evolution and Intelligent Design, Evolution News, faith, Guillermo Gonzalez, Günter Bechly, intelligent design, Jonathan Wells, journalism, Richard Weikart, science, search engines, Spanish, Stephen Meyer The Biggest Obstacle to Accepting Intelligent Design John G. West November 17, 2022
Science-Uprising-mask-Discovery Institute Type post Author John G. West Date May 17, 2022 Tagged , atheism, Center for Science & Culture, Discovery Institute, faith, funding, Günter Bechly, Hollywood, hope, hopelessness, intelligent design, journalists, Long Story Short, materialism, media, media bias, Michael Behe, money, movie producers, multiverse, origin of life, PragerU, production, promotion, science, Science Uprising, Scientism, Social Darwinism, and Totalitarian Science, Secrets of the Cell, Secrets of the the Cell, Stephen Meyer Tired of the Media Promoting Atheism in the Name of Science? John G. West May 17, 2022
David-French-Youtube Type post Author John G. West Date February 18, 2022 Tagged , abortion, antibiotics, aspirin, Associated Press, Catholics, CDC, Christian nationalism, civil liberties, COVID-19, Dallas, Dennis Prager, Donald Trump, Evangelical Christians, faith, First Baptist Church, Good Samaritan, humility, Ibuprofen, jesus, Jews, libertinism, Mormons, parents, Protestants, religious leaders, religious objections, Robert Jeffress, Scientism, Social Darwinism, and Totalitarian Science, Sudafed, totalitarian science, Tylenol, unvaccinated, vaccine In a Historic Moment, Many Religious Leaders Fail the Test of COVID-19 John G. West February 18, 2022
C.-S.-Lewis-Photo-Asar Studios Alamy Type post Author John G. West Date October 28, 2021 Categorized C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Tagged , Brown University, C. S. Lewis, Christianity, E. R. Weston, Elwin Ransom, emergent evolution, evolution, faith, George Coyne, Henri Bergson, Holy Spirit, intelligent design, John Polkinghorne, Kenneth Miller, Mere Christianity, Nobel Prize, Perelandra, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, theistic evolution C. S. Lewis and Theistic Evolution John G. West October 28, 2021 C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
Francis-Collins-Flickr Type post Author John G. West Date October 5, 2021 Categorized Theistic Evolution Tagged , abortion, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, American Horror Story, Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Catholic Bishops, Center for Medical Progress, Charles Colson, China, Colorado, conscience rights, COVID-19, David Daleiden, David French, Donald Trump, Evangelical Christians, faith, Francis Collins, human fetus, John Polkinghorne, Judicial Watch, medical conscience, Mother Teresa, National Institutes of Health, Roman Catholics, Rutgers University, Scientism, Social Darwinism, and Totalitarian Science, Social Darwinism, Templeton Prize, The New Yorker, U.S. Presidents, vaccine mandates, Wuhan Francis Collins’s Troubling Record at NIH John G. West October 5, 2021 Theistic Evolution
Bradley-1 Type post Author John G. West Date December 17, 2020 Tagged , Africa, Baylor University, Brian Thomas, Center for Science & Culture, Discovery Institute, faith, For a Greater Purpose, intelligent design, James Tour, Justice and Mercy Energy Services, NASA, Religion, Liberty, and Civic Life, Rice University, Robert J. Marks, Scientism, Social Darwinism, and Totalitarian Science, Technology, Texas A&M University, universities, Walter Bradley, Walter Bradley Center, William Dembski Walter Bradley’s Wonderful Life — Scientist, Humanitarian, ID Proponent John G. West December 17, 2020
Meyer-Metaxas Type post Author John G. West Date December 13, 2019 Tagged , Dallas, Dallas Conference on Science & Faith, Eric Metaxas, Evolution News, faith, ID 3.0, ID the Future, Philadelphia, professors, science, Scientism, Social Darwinism, and Totalitarian Science, Stephen Meyer Can a Conference Change a Life? John G. West December 13, 2019