If you could neutralize the media’s promotion of atheism in the name of science, would you?
You know the kinds of things I mean: Hollywood films popularizing multiple universes to avoid intelligent design. Journalists treating atheist scientists as objective. Media outlets presenting as fact the latest materialist speculations about the origin of life.
In short, the media depriving people of hope by pushing materialism in the name of science.
Hope Against Hopelessness
Become a “Movie Producer” for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, and together we can defeat the hopelessness being spread by establishment media.
More than a decade ago, the Center for Science and Culture embarked on an ambitious plan. With more and more people watching videos online, we wanted to start creating short, high-quality videos ourselves that would communicate to people directly, unfiltered by media bias.
In the first years, we reached thousands. Then hundreds of thousands.
Now we reach millions.
Our Science Uprising series has been watched over 7 million times. Secrets of the the Cell with Michael Behe has been viewed over 1.5 million times. Our partnership last year with PragerU for a series featuring Stephen Meyer has drawn more than 11 million views. A few days ago, one of our new science and faith lectures went viral and now has over 100,000 views.
Some Recent Comments
Go to our main YouTube channel. You will see the impact our videos are making every day. Here is just a sampling of recent comments:
“Unbelievable, honestly these are so good.” “You don’t need to be a scientist to understand what’s going on.” “I am currently an atheist but am genuinely interested in the intelligent design model.”
The impact of our videos keeps growing because viewers share them with others:
“I can share this with many people who will be able to grasp the presentation.” “This is great content I’m going to send to my unbelieving family.” “My 14-year-old daughter loves these. We watch them together.”
No one else is doing what we are doing. We create first-rate original content, based on research by top scientists and scholars — people like Steve Meyer, Mike Behe, Casey Luskin, and Günter Bechly. Our videos are authoritative. They make science easy to understand. And they feature engaging storytelling and visual flair.
Videos by Random Mutation?
But quality like this isn’t generated by random mutations. It requires intelligent design — and to be frank, money.
Be part of the solution: Join us today as one of our “Movie Producers” by contributing to our 2022 video production and promotion fund.
May is the month when we try to raise funding for our online video projects. Our goal this year is $150,000. New episodes of Long Story Short, Science Uprising, Secrets of the Cell, and more hang in the balance. Without funding, they won’t materialize.
Can we count on you to be one of our Movie Producers this year?
If you donate at least $50, we’ll send you a private link to see The Miracle of the Human Heart, a new video short featuring biologist Michael Denton to be released later this spring. Movie producers, after all, deserve special access!