Iain was a diehard atheist from the United Kingdom. “I absolutely knew that I would never believe in a creator. It was inconceivable to me,” he recalls.
The orca whale (“breathtaking”) sometimes gave Iain pause about his atheism. But it wasn’t enough to change his mind.
Then he encountered Stephen Meyer and other proponents of intelligent design. Their work convinced him he “was horribly wrong,” opening his mind to a new reality: “I see the natural world now through completely different eyes. I see that this experience I am living is no accident.”
Your support of Discovery Institute’s videos, books, and educational outreach programs made this transformation possible.
“He Never Imagined”
Today, Iain shares resources from Discovery Institute with his friends, hoping to persuade them about the truth of intelligent design. Just last month, he shared some of our materials with a colleague at work. The colleague responded that “he never imagined…I could have presented anything that would dent his belief in evolution, but …he was wrong.”
You can make more stories like Iain’s possible through your generous support.
When Steve Meyer and I founded Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture 25 years ago, we couldn’t have predicted the worldwide impact. But through partnership with people like you, we are reaching millions of people a year through science research, book publishing, education programs, YouTube channels, and online platforms like Evolution News.
Our Plans for 2022
As we move into 2022, we have plans to focus on humanity’s incredible uniqueness through books — one by geneticist Michael Denton, and another by engineer Steve Laufmann and medical doctor Howard Glicksman. Historian Richard Weikart will publish an exposé of what happens when humans are regarded as mere animals.
Our plans are ambitious and far reaching, but we can’t make them a reality without your support.
There are more people out there like Iain who need to be exposed to the truth of intelligent design and human uniqueness. Will you join us to make a difference together in 2022?